Plumeria NZ
Blooming fabulous frangipani
Imagine being on a tropical island without leaving home
Check out our plumeria with their stunning white flowers and yellow centres: a sight to behold. Here you can see the results of our passion and hard work. Tom and Sandra, who absolutely love frangipani, started with cuttings from flowering plants and have been growing these plants for ten years.
The majority of the plants have traditional, beautifully scented white flowers with yellow centres.
We also have a smaller number of fruit salad, & other coloured varieties. Please get in contact if there is a variety you are looking for in particular. We may be able to help, or we can add you to our waiting list if the colour you would like is not yet large enough to sell.
Sandra is very happy to send pictures of additional plants available if you don’t find what you are looking for, just email us.

Choosing frangipani plants
In New Zealand frangipanis only grow 10-15cm per year depending on location/conditions, so don’t wait to get the size you want, buy it now.
All our frangipani plants are robust and guaranteed to burst into vibrant, fragrant bloom in the right conditions.
So get growing and create your own oasis at your place.
Our mid & large size range can be viewed at various markets in the weekend during the summer months, see the home page for lists of markets. Or if these times do not work for you, please contact us to make an appointment to come & visit our tunnel house to choose your own frangipani from our collection. Alternatively Sandra is very happy to send photo’s.
Coloured varieties – SOLD OUT will be back in October with a large range of colours

Landscape & Large frangipanis can be stored with us over winter if purchased March onwards.
Landscape size Plants
100-170cm high & Available Year round
Price range $350 upwards per plant. Featuring multiple growing heads (potentially more flower heads). Heights are from the top of the soil.
We are happy to send photos of a variety of plants available, or come and visit and choose your own frangipani.

All heights are from the top of the soil
Large size plants
80-90cm high
PRICES range from $220 (V shape) & $245 (Straight breaking into branches). Potted in a 25 litre bag, featuring 2-5 branches.
We are happy to send photos of a variety of plants available, or come and visit and choose your own frangipani.

Mid size plants – SOLD OUT back in October
50-70cm high
SPECIALS – PRICES range from $120. Potted in a 25 litre bag, featuring 2-3 branches.
We are happy to send photos of a variety of plants available, or come and visit and choose your own frangipani.

Email Us
Call Sandra
0274900304 no calls after 5.30pm please, texts are great however.